How Ethical Businesses Unite Communities

As a business owner, it can be dangerously easy to view yourself as a leader on a mission to drive profits and to drive profits alone.
There are deadlines to meet, meetings to attend, a team to lead and networks to be established. How could there possibly be ample time for anything else?
The truth of the matter is, that in focusing on profits alone, we place ourselves on a very, very slippery slope. When we are driven only by the pound sign, we choose vendors who use unethical sourcing practices for our materials, we ignore our failing corporate culture because there’s no time for team outings; meetings are to be had, and we skip out on the sustainable business training as there are “more important” meetings to attend, and the list goes on.
Choosing to prioritise ethical practices within our businesses is critical in today’s world. Acting ethically impacts the world on every scale; from a global perspective as to where we source our energy and base components, all the way to locally where we pay our employees a livable wage simply because they work hard and it’s the right thing to do.
When we choose to act ethically as business owners and leaders, our choices both impact the world, and unite communities (globally, nationally, and locally). It might seem at the initial decision-making phase that our choices can’t have that significant of an impact, but they can, and they do.
Today we’ve chosen to present six of the biggest ways that your ethical business behaviours unite your communities. We thank you in advance for looking into them; either choosing to begin operating your business ethically or choosing to fine-tune your already ethical practices. Together, we’ll reshape businesses into a force for good, remembering that it all starts with a desire to change.
Lead by Example
When you as a corporation opt to run your business, source your products, treat your employees and engage in your communities in ethical manners, you encourage all corporations your size and smaller to pause and reevaluate their practices. Often when people (or organisations) take a moment to pause, they realise there is room for change. They then opt to change, which creates a domino effect across your community of businesses transforming them into agents of responsibility and good.
Be Transparent as to Why you do What you do
Give a “why” to your work and be loud about it. No one will rally behind you if you just preach about how much money you hope to make. Why did you start your business? The real, raw reason. Give your community members that. Let them see the real reason you work as hard as you do, why you run your business the way that you do and watch a transformative community of respect begin to form around you.
Allow for Real Conversation
Sometimes life is tough. We’re conditioned, though, to offer the customary, “How are you?”, “Fine, thanks” exchange and carry on with our day. When you choose to operate ethically, you give a nod to the fact that you need to recognize your employees as people, with families and feelings and concerns. Create a space for open dialogue, mental health rest days and genuine connection. For no other reason than because it’s the right thing to do.
Engage in Fair Hiring Practices
Ethical businesses embrace women’s leadership, racial diversity, and cultural inclusion. It’s a fact. A study by Gartner shared that diverse and inclusive companies are 60% more likely to outperform their peers where decision-making is concerned. So, you’d get more perspectives, attract a wider range of talent to your area, and outperform competitors – I can’t spot a single negative.
Offset your Impact
We’re to a point in the climate change journey where it’s now up to the big guys. Yes, it’s always great to do our best to recycle, bring a bag, etc., but we will not win this fight without organisations leading the way and taking initiative by making big changes. As a business owner and leader, this includes you. Make the ethical decision. Inspire your community members to do the same and watch as you light the spark that creates a wave of corporate change, leading to a healthier community and world for all.
It’s almost a little “too” common sense to think that ethical businesses would unite communities; of course, they would. Good begets good, no?
Acting ethically is a responsibility we all hold on an individual level, but as a business owner or leader, you have another factor stacked on top. You have a responsibility to lead others to make the same (or better!) ethical choices throughout their days and lives. It will not always be easy; sometimes it will cost more, and sometimes it will be more time-consuming, but in the end, as you stand within a well-rounded, well-funded, safe, clean, and happy community your practices helped unite, you’ll see and feel full-well that it was more than worth every second.
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